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Relationship Lie Detector Test
You have all most likely been in a position, at least once in a relationship, when you have had a “gut feeling” that your partner might be unfaithful. The hard part, is being able to prove it.
It’s perfectly normal for relationships to have their ups and downs, and in some cases you hit really difficult, rocky patches. This often begins with that “nagging” feeling, that something isn’t right.
If you are experiencing any of this, don’t sit back and think it will all work itself out. It may not. If you have that gut feeling your partner is cheating or being unfaithful in some way, you are probably right, you need to take action and find out the truth once and for all.
Similarly, it might not be the case, that you are feeling your partner is cheating. Your partner might feel that you are the one who is cheating on them. A lie detector test is a good way you to prove your innocence.
In both instances, a simple polygraph test can provide you with definitive answers and settle the matter once and for all. With over 96% accuracy, lie detector tests are increasingly used to uncover the truth in these types of scenarios. Premier Polygraph Services will handle your case with the utmost sensitivity and confidentiality.

Call to book a Lie Detector Test
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Relationship Specialists
Scientific & Professional
Experienced Examiners
When Trust is lost in a relationship
Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship. This means it can be the single most destructive issue and can be the reason relationships break down. A frequent question is, “I want to trust him/her again, but I don’t know how.”
If you are serious about repairing your relationship and getting things back on track, a simple polygraph test can and will gives you all the answers you need to begin rebuilding the confidence and trust in your partner.
Once you’ve breached trust in a relationship, is it possible to repair it? If so, how do you even begin this process?
Like almost anything in life, the first step towards restoring relationship trust is to cultivate awareness. Acknowledging a partner’s betrayal may be easier for some than for others, but it’s crucial to accept your situation and then to acknowledge your feelings about it. Without knowing what you are dealing with, its almost impossible to begin rebuilding trust. In order to embark on a healing process, you need to first recognise the full magnitude of the hurt and pain that you feel.
To know what this is, you need to be confident that you are getting the truth. A lie detector test ensures you have the complete truth, without the risk of discovering other details later. Having new information presented to you after you have begun trying to rebuild trust can set you much further back, than the initial instance of breaking trust.
Do you have suspicions that your partner is cheating or having an affair? Most couples have daily routines and habits, and when there is a sudden change in a spouses behavior, worry can quickly set in that something is wrong. The good news is that we can find out if your husband, wife, girlfriend or boyfriend, is cheating or has cheated on you in the past. This allows you to move on with your life and to stop worrying. The good news is, many people get tested and they are found to be telling the truth.
If you decide to go through with having your spouse tested, confronting your spouse is probably the hardest part, but if you lay out the reasoning behind your suspicions, they are likely to understand and be happy to take a lie detector test. This is especially true if they have done nothing wrong. If they fight with you, or tell you that you are overreacting, that could be a warning sign that you’re correct.
5 reasons why you should consider using a lie detector test in matters where the marriage has reached a critical point.
Normally at this point trust has completely broken down and your relationship/marriage no longer represents anything you and your partner meant it to be.
Warning Signs That a Spouse May Be Cheating on You:
- Your spouse seems bored. Bored with you, with a job, with kids, with hobbies, with life in general.
- Your spouse seems to want danger or thrills in his/her life.
- There is considerably less intimacy or connection in your relationship.
- Your sex life is practically non-existent.
- There are lots of new things introduced into sex that never were before.
- Your spouse has a low self-esteem.
- Your spouse doesn’t show any jealousy about you, no matter what you say.
- You notice your spouse has a sense of confusion about him or herself.
- Your spouse has become lazy, especially around the house.
- Your spouse is more negative.
- Your spouse becomes more critical of you.
- Your spouse seems to be picking fights more often.
- You can’t get your spouse to communicate with you (stone-walling).
- Your spouse gets very defensive if you mention infidelity or affairs.
- Your spouse is suddenly more attentive than usual.
- Your spouse is working longer hours at work.
- Your spouse is dressing nicer, looking nicer or there is a sudden interest in appearance.
- You notice charges on a credit card statement that doesn’t make sense.
- You are aware of different scents of cologne or aftershave lotion on your spouse’s clothes.
- Your spouse is indifferent to family events like birthdays and holidays.
- You find your partner has been lying to you about a variety of things.
- Money becomes more of an issue between the two of you.
- The words “I love you” are not spoken by your spouse any longer.
- He/she doesn’t want to go anywhere or do anything with you anymore.
- You feel as if you are being avoided.
- Your partner abandons religious faith.
- Your spouse seems more secretive.
- When you ask for reassurance about cheating, you do not feel satisfied with the response.
Call for a Free & Fully Confidential Lie Detector Consultation
What sort of questions will I be asked?
- Relevant infidelity polygraph test questions tend to require a yes or no answer only. You won’t be asked any questions that require a narrative.
- Most infidelity tests are conducted as a single-issue test. In other words, you are asked about one issue; normally something along the lines of “during your marriage have you had sexual contact with anyone other than your spouse/partner?”
- Questions can not be subjective or ambiguous. You must understand exactly what you are being asked.
- Questions about feelings and emotions are not asked i.e. you won’t be asked if you loved the person that you are accused of having an affair with.
- All questions in an infidelity Polygraph test tend to be quite direct i.e. “Did you have sex with ____?” and not “did you think about having sex with ____ and would you have enjoyed it?”
Prior to the polygraph test, you will be asked to sign an authorisation to release the interview and test results. The individual or individuals who take the lie detector tests are the only people that the test will be disclosed to. As a general rule, polygraph test results are confidential. Exceptions to confidentiality occur when the examiner is a “mandatory reporter” involving child, sexual or physical abuse and when the test is not conducted for a solicitor. Regulatory bodies may have access to tests and test information but are prohibited from disclosing confidential information.