When carrying out a theft case investigation, it is important to get to know the real motive behind the incident. Theft lie detector testing can be an essential way of finding out the real reason behind the motive to steal. It’s not uncommon to discover friends or family members who are in real financial trouble. A Polygraph test can help bring all that information to the forefront and help you find a way of working with them to help rebuild their lives.
There is nothing more awkward than realising a friend, employee or even a family member has stolen from you.
If you accuse someone directly, it’s highly likely that they will deny having taken anything from you. From that point on you are stuck in a “he said, she said,” unhealthy scenario. Unless you have physically caught them in the act, or if they have the stolen items on them, you’ve got no way to prove their wrong-doing, and more importantly no way to get your stolen property back.
If you need your name cleared or you are accusing someone else of theft, over 96% of cases a polygraph test can prove your guilt or innocence.